As children grow into early childhood, their world will begin to open up. They will become more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about the things around them even more. Their interactions with family and those around them will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking and moving. During this stage, children should be able to ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice a difference between girls and boys, help to dress and undress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story, and sing a song.
Kidz Konnect is the perfect childcare experience and solution for children and parents alike. Kidz Konnect allows for parent/guardians to enjoy a couple hours to pamper oneself, to do the groceries, to have a night out in the town or have a date night with one’s spouse or significant other. We offer your average monthly tuition rate, but what separates Kidz Konnect from other child care facilities is that we offer a convenient hourly rate for services rendered in addition to evening and weekend hours. Kidz Konnect understands the importance of “parent time.” Kidz Konnect offers a safe friendly environment for your kids to have fun while giving you the peace of mind while you have your fun too!

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Learning Through Play
- Preschoolers will continue to have opportunities for dramatic and pretend play.
- Children will use play as a way to explore familiar situations and roles.
- Children will begin to use manipulatives in play.
Social and Emotional Development
- Preschoolers spend more time playing with peers than next to them.
- Preschoolers will resolve conflicts with lots of adult support and discussion. Preschoolers will begin to predict how their actions will make a friend feel.
- Teachers will learn to be a part of the classroom routine by helping to create the schedule each day.
Language and Literacy
- Teachers will read daily.
- Teachers will offer many opportunities to interact with stories – telling their own stories, retelling familiar stories, acting out stories through puppets, toys or dress up.
- Preschoolers will read a variety of books from all genres including fiction and non- fiction.
- Teachers will help the children connect what they are reading to the world around them.
- Preschoolers will be given exposure to familiar words like their name, environmental print, labels on classroom supplies.
- Preschoolers will begin to form ideas about writing through daily journal writing and drawing.
Creative Thinking
- Preschoolers will listen to different styles of music from close to home and around the world.
- Art activities will be offered daily to help children build interest in appreciating and creating art.
Science Investigation
- Preschoolers will begin to interact with science explorations on a new level.
- Conducting basic science experiments, taking care of plants and animals, making predictions and observing outcomes, and more all help to develop their interest in being young scientists.
Physical Development
- Our preschoolers will have daily gross and fine motor physical activity.
- We will go outside every day for at least a short period of time, and if not able to be outside for long, we will use our Open Play Space indoors to continue gross motor play.
Mathematical Discovery
- Preschoolers will be engaged in mathematics throughout their day.
- Daily measuring, estimating, graphing, counting and problem-solving activities will help to develop these budding mathematicians.
- Teachers will involve the children in conversations to help them compare and contrast shapes and materials.
- Teachers will sing, talk, and read about numbers and other concepts each day.
Connecting the pieces of learning…
One day at a time…One child at a time…

What Makes us Special?
Kidz Konnect will strive to offer the very best morning, afternoon, evening and weekend child care services. Kidz Konnect will be serving families of children ages 6 weeks to Pre-K of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Kidz Konnect will be located in Blue Bell, the suburb of Philadelphia.